Shropshire Star

Packed day of sport and fun taking place in memory of teenager Dylan Price

A memorial day to celebrate the life of a young county rugby player will be taking place tomorrow.

The event is held in memory of Dylan Price.

The event, at Bishop's Castle & Onny Valley Rugby Football Club, takes place on Sunday – in memory of Dylan Price.

Dylan died aged just 17 – the day before his 18th birthday - when he was hit by a driver who failed to stop in the early hours of September 19, 2021.

Since Dylan's death, his family, friends, and the community, have rallied round to hold a number of events in his memory.

They have also set up the Dylan Price Foundation, to support local young people through sport and to improve facilities in the Bishop's Castle.

The memorial day returns for the second year running, and will open at noon.

There will be two rugby matches, Bishop's Castle against Knighton at 1pm, followed by a Local Veterans Border Challenge Cup between Wales and England at 3pm.

The matches will be followed by a raffle and an auction at 4.30pm, live music and entertainment from 6.30pm, and fireworks from 8.30pm.

That will be followed by further entertainment until late, with a bar and food available all day – including a hog roast.

All donations and money raised will go to the Dylan Price Foundation.

Dylan's sister, Livi Price, 23, said they had been overwhelmed at the continuing support from the community.

She said that funds raised for the foundation had already supported a number of causes – including local sports clubs, and in the past week contributed to the installation of lamp posts along the stretch where Dylan died – a project completed in conjunction with the local council and mayor Josh Dickin, and the support of a firm which charged nothing for the labour to complete the work.

She said: "It is an emotional day for the whole community but they love it. I know we are a little town but it really brings everyone together."

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