Shropshire Star

High Sheriff visits a small town with a big heart to thank its volunteers

Shropshire's High Sheriff performed one of her last engagements of her year long term when she visited a town on the edge of the county for a tour to thank volunteers in the community.

SOUTH COPYRIGHT SHROPSHIRE STAR STEVE LEATH 02/03/2023..Pic in Clun where High Sheriff Selina Graham was paying a visit, but is seen here chatting to School council, At the back in no particular order: Mayor: Ryan Davies, Deputy Mayor: Mark Duffee and Deputy Lieuftenant: Katherine Garner. Head of St Georges C of E School: Rebecca Manning..

Selina Graham spent the morning in Clun chatting to people of all ages and all walks of life. Deputy Lieutenant for Shropshire Katherine Garnier joined in the visit.

The High Sheriff met mayor, Councillor Ryan Davies at the town's Fire Station along with Dan Quinn the Assistant Chief Fire Officer for Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service and Station Manager, Jim Barker.

Clun at the Fire Station where High Sheriff Selina Graham chatted to Jim Barker (Station Manager). At the back is Dan Quinn (Asst Chief Fire Officer), Mayor: Ryan Davies, Deputy Mayor: Mark Duffee and Deputy Lieutenant: Katherine Garner..

Councillor Davies then headed to the St George's for a tour and to meet the teachers and pupils.

The High Sheriff then met volunteers at Clun Memorial Hall and presented the hall community with a High Sheriff award.

"The committee has worked so hard pushing forward with new ideas following the shut down in the pandemic," Councillor Davies said.

He said Clun may be one of the smallest towns in the UK but has a big community spirit.

"We have lots of people in lots of different organisations who do things voluntarily and this was a way of the town council saying thank you."

"It was a great morning and the High Sheriff was impressed by the number of organisations we have here in Clun."

The High Sheriff took on her role, which runs for 12 months, in April last year.

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