Shropshire Star

Festival celebrations continue as event moves into final week

A major arts festival is proving a hit as it moves into its final week.

Ironbridge Festival of Imagination 2022 dancing to the music in the Salon Perdu, a spectacular Spiegeltent located in Ironbridge's Dale End Park. Picture: David Bagnall

The Festival of Imagination in Ironbridge started earlier this month with audiences treated to an eclectic and high class programme of events in venues throughout the World Heritage Site.

One of the stand-out venues is the spectacular Spiegeltent located in Dale End Park, Ironbridge.

This weekend saw the Ironmen and Severn Gilders Morris group joining the activities with performances in the town.

The festival continues until October 2 with more music, comedy and poetry acts alongside film screenings, and guided walks throughout the week.

The festival includes a series of comedy performances throughout the final week, with Andy Askins headlining on Wednesday, Leo Kearse top of the bill on Thursday, and Lost Voice Guy as the main attraction on Friday).

Other events include an open mic poetry event at the Water Rat Inn from 7.30pm on Thursday, September 29.

A poetry slam will then be taking place on Saturday evening with 15 poets going head to head in a live poetry competition.

Overall winners from the festival's poetry competitions will then perform at a special event on the Sunday.

Screenings of major films are also taking place with The Rocky Horror Show on Friday, and Downton Abbey: A New Era on Saturday.

Other events include family theatre performances of The Fisher and His Wife on Friday, before a session with a Punjabi Women's Writers Group on Saturday.

Rounding up the Festival will be Adam Purnell – The Shropshire Lad – cooking up The Soul Food Sunday social, also on Sunday, October 2.

Tickets for the events are available at

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