Shropshire Star

Telford & Wrekin Council asks taxi passengers if CCTV should be mandatory

A council is asking taxi users if CCTV in vehicles should be mandatory in a push to improve overall safety.

Last updated
Councillor Richard Overton is encouraging people to complete the council’s questionnaire as they decide if CCTV should be mandatory in taxis.

Currently taxi drivers in Telford and Wrekin can choose whether to have a security system in their car or not.

The council has been holding an eight-week CCTV questionnaire to provide them with evidence before deciding if the security systems should be made mandatory in taxis.

The survey has been running since June and closes on Friday.

Cabinet member for enforcement, councillor Richard Overton said: “Safety of the people who live and work in Telford is paramount and CCTV may offer benefits for both passengers and drivers – but only if it’s something people think is necessary.

“Reported incidents involving Telford & Wrekin Council licensed taxis is low and CCTV is one tool we could use. As a collaborative council, we won’t proceed with any decisions until we have spoken with taxi users, owners and drivers to see where the evidence leads us.

“I would urge as many people as possible who have any involvement with taxis, to complete the survey, so we can make an informed decision.”

As part of the survey participants are asked when they last used a taxi and how their experience was.

The survey then asks people if the driver’s behaviour, provision of assistance, timekeeping, driving standards, passenger safety or condition of the vehicle had a factor in their experience.

Respondents are then asked what impact they feel CCTV would have made on their experience.

Previously the council secured external funding to run a pilot scheme of CCTV in taxis. The project, which saw 25 licensed taxis fitted with CCTV has now ended.

“The DfT’s (Department for Transport) view is that ‘the use of CCTV can provide a safer environment for the benefit of taxi/private hire vehicle passengers and drivers,’ and has asked councils to consider demand locally,” the council added.

“We are particularly interested in hearing from recent users of taxi and private hire vehicles and from drivers, operators and proprietors.”

The CCTV questionnaire is available on the Telford & Wrekin Council website until Friday.

Further information can be submitted for the consultation by emailing