Shropshire Star

100 years of positive vibes (and lasagne) for 'proper Italian nonna' Lina

Lasagne and positive vibes are the secrets to a long life according to a "proper Italian nonna," who celebrated her 100th birthday in Shrewsbury this week.

Lina Cori was surprised for her 100th birthday by family, neighbourd and Shrewsbury town crier Martin Wood and his wife Sue

Lina Cori, who lives in Harlescott, received the shock of her life when daughters Nancy and Josie took her outside to see town crier Martin Wood and all her neighbours clapping and cheering on their doorstep.

The mother of three, grandmother of five and great-grandmother of eight was all smiles as Martin, joined by his wife Sue, gave her a special speech.

Birthday girl Lina Cori with daughters Josie Edwards, left, and Nancy Micheli

Lina, who is originally from northern Italy but moved to the UK in the late 1940s, had hoped to have a big party for her centenary, but couldn't due to Covid-19 restrictions. However, she was thrilled with her socially distanced celebrations.

"She's a happy bunny," said daughter Nancy.

Lina Cori with granddaughter Teresa Love, shed tears of joy at her birthday celebration

"We made the most of the situation. This all happened because of my neighbour, Di Poole. She loves my mum and thought we should have a party outside."

"All the neighbours came out," she added.

Neighbours couldn't stop smiling at Lina's 100th birthday celebrations

"She's well loved here, my mum. They all say she's got a lovely smile. She's had so many flowers and about 100 cards.

"I think positivity has kept her going. She loves good food and always made amazing lasagne."

A trumpeter plays to mark Lina's birthday

Lina first moved to Lancashire in the late 40s after seeing an advert for a job as a domestic in an Italian newspaper.

She then moved to Wales to be with her friend at an old Italian prisoner of war camp, where she met Gaetano, who she married in 1949.

Shrewsbury town crier Martin Wood delivered a speech for Lina Cori's birthday

They had Nancy, Josie and son Tony in the early 1950s, and moved to Shrewsbury in 1966 after living in north Shropshire for a while.

Lina was also a popular character when she worked serving coffees at Sidoli's in Castle Street, Shrewsbury.