Delayed plans for new link road for Ellesmere business park approved
A scheme to “kick-start” a mixed-use development in Ellesmere took a step forward after delayed plans for a new link road were approved.

The 1.3 kilometre new road will be constructed between the Ellesmere Business Park roundabout and Canal Way, near Tesco supermarket, opening up a large parcel of south-west Ellesmere for future development.
The scheme proposed by Burbury Investments will also include footpaths and shared cycle and pedestrian access along the route.
Outline planning consent was granted for a mixed-use scheme for the area in 2016, which was proposed to include a hotel and leisure complex alongside 250 new homes.
However, a detailed application for 99 dwellings brought forward in 2019 was refused, partly due to ambiguity over the provision of the link road for the site, which was then intended to be completed in a later phase of the scheme.
A parcel of land near the Ellesmere Business Park roundabout was purchased by the applicant in 2021, which now allows the link road to be delivered in the early phases of the project, supporting documentation submitted with the application says.
“It is evident from adopted policies that the site the subject of this application is very important as it is an integral part of delivering a number of different types of developments within the town and help to secure its long term viability in terms housing, economic contributions and also improvements to the drainage systems and flood attenuation,” read a report by Shropshire Council’s planning department.
“Officers agree with the applicant’s comment that the delivery of the link road and the associated earthworks will help to kick start the wider development across the site. This will then lead to the submission of different applications for the various development parcels throughout the wider site which are likely to comprise a variety of different uses.
“It is considered that the delivery of the link road will provide substantial benefits to the town and it is the first stage towards delivering the housing, leisure and economic benefits that the allocations in the SAMdev plan seeks to achieve.”
As part of the approved planning conditions, changes will be made to signal priorities and line markings at the junction with Canal Way and Scotland Street to ensure the junction is able to accommodate extra traffic generated by future developments.
The scheme will also include earthworks to reduce mounds and depressions in order to make the wider site more attractive for future development.
The scheme was supported by Ellesmere Town Council and Ellesmere Rural Parish Council, subject to drainage works along the Tetchill Brook which was also added as a condition for planning approval.