Shropshire Star

Easter egg donation to food bank

Members of the Oswestry Angels group, Mike and Linda Lade picked up 50 easter eggs and other Easter treats from One-Stop in Cabin Lane, and delivered them to to Oswestry and Borders Foodbank.

Rob Jones and Nicola Harrington at the One Stop Shop in Cabin Lane

The Easter Egg donation was welcomed by Liz Jermy, manager of Oswestry and Borders Foodbank.

She said: It is lovely to be able to give really nice Easter eggs to families and individuals as well as the much needed food for the cupboard and fridge.

"Since the start of the Pandemic in March 2020 until March 2021 we have had 47.6 tonnes of food donated from supermarkets, schools, churches, businesses, charities and individuals. In addition, the foodbank has been able to help households with butcher's vouchers and fresh fruit and vegetables.

"Some 44 tonnes of food have been given out as emergency food parcels, helping 4446 people, including 1373 children under 18yrs. "

The foodbank works with 70 support agencies across North Shropshire and the Welsh Borders who refer their clients and service users for emergency food parcels.

"The foodbank team and Trustees are incredibly grateful to Oswestry Angels and all those who continue to be so generous in giving food, toiletries, pet food and money to help towards the work of the foodbank - which is to ensure no one goes hungry. Thank you all so much."

More details about the foodbank are available on oswestryandborders.foodbank.

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