Shropshire Star

Armistice Day: The only village in Shropshire where everyone who went to fight in WW1 returned alive

As people across the UK remember the fallen this weekend, one Shropshire village will be among just a handful of parishes in the country that will remain thankful.

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St Mary's Church in Harley. Photo: Harley Village.

Harley, near Much Wenlock is one of 53 'Thankful Villages' in the UK and the only one in Shropshire.

Thankful Villages, sometimes known as Blessed Villages, are villages and settlements in England and Wales where everybody who went to fight in World War I returned.

The war had accounted for 880,000 British lives. Six per cent of all males in the country and 11 per cent of all soldiers sent to fight.

Due to the high death toll and bloodiness of battles such as The Somme, it was rare for a village not to have lost any of its young men or have been impacted by The Great War.

The 'Thankful Village' plaque at St Mary's Church in Harley. Photo: Harley Village.