Shropshire Star

Two more bowls leagues are set to unite in north

The second unification of two bowling leagues in the north of Shropshire is another step closer.


Details of the proposed joint administration of the Barlows Whitchurch Over-60s and Market Drayton Senior Citizens leagues have now been emailed to member clubs. Any comments should be sent to the league secretaries by the end of November, when a timetable of meetings will then be circulated.

“It is vitally important that documents are read by club committees and also players involved in the leagues so that a consensus is reached that can be taken forward,” said a spokesperson.

The single administration is in response to the difficulty of finding new officers and follows in the footsteps of the uniting of the Whitchurch and Market Drayton evening leagues under one body earlier this year.

Clubs in a leading Shropshire bowls league will be warned tonight they are facing a potentially marathon AGM in January.

Two rule change proposals from Charlton and Hadley USC will be outlined to delegates at a Molson Coors Mid Shropshire League executive meeting at Wellington’s Bayley Club (7.30pm).

They will require a seconder at next month’s executive meeting before going before the 2024 annual meeting, but the league’s officers are in the process of conducting a thorough review of all rules which will need approving at the AGM.

Also on the agenda tonight is the amount of honoraria to be paid to officers, plans for the annual presentation dinner and a report from the latest county executive meeting.