Shropshire Star

Head of school hit twice by vandals in one week bemoans 'gratuitous' break-ins

A headteacher has described vandalism at his school as "gratuitous" after it was targeted twice this week by intruders.

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A gate smashed by the vandals at Morda CE Primary School

Morda CE Primary School had forensic officers working onsite on Tuesday, after vandals broke into the school on Monday night.

It was the second break-in this week, and the third since the summer.

Sheds were broken into at Morda CE Primary School

Intruders caused damage to a number of doors, sheds were broken into and PE equipment was thrown around the school.

There were also attempts made to force open an external door to gain access to the school.

Intruders attempted to gain access to the main school building

Carl Rogers, executive headteacher at the primary school, which caters for around 100 pupils aged four-11, said the damage had been 'gratuitous'.

However, he said he believed the attacks at the school were the acts of vandals and not professional thieves.

Damage by the vandals at Morda CE Primary School

He has now informed parents of the situation, which resulted in officers from West Mercia Police and a forensic team visiting the school grounds on Tuesday.

He told them: "Unfortunately, I am writing to you after the third incident of vandalism and attempted break-ins on school grounds since the summer. Two of these have taken place in the last week."

He added: "The police have spoken to neighbours and will be increasing patrols in the area."

He said if any parents or community members had any information or concerns about anti-social behaviour, should contact the police on 101 and the school 'as soon as possible'.

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said: “Following a number of criminal damage incidents at Morda CE Primary School in recent weeks, officers from the Oswestry safer neighbourhood team, in partnership with Shropshire Council, have visited the school to discuss the issue with the headteacher.

“Officers confirmed they would look to increase patrols in the area after dark, and also offered advice on measures the school could implement to increase security.”