Shropshire Star

Barbecues come out as summer arrives in Shropshire - with dry spell set to last

Summer arrived in Shropshire with some spectacular sunrises and sunsets over the weekend.

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And forecasters say the dry spell is set to continue for the next fortnight - taking in the school half term.

Families dragged their paddling pools out of sheds and barbecues were cleaned up and lit as sunshine settled over Shropshire.

And those who headed for the coast in Wales were rewarded too, with Porthmadog on the Lleyn Peninsula recording the highest temperature in the UK.

Farmers were quick to cut their silage and get out onto the fields.

Those up with the lark enjoyed beautiful sunrises while many took to social media to marvel at the red ball of sun that set on Sunday evening.

But for some the good weather brought hayfever reactions, with a high pollen count.

The forecast for the coming week is for the high pressure to continue hovering over the country with the jet stream pushed to the north.

Temperatures during the week will range from 18 to 21 degrees, going down to five or six degrees some nights.

Winds coming down from the north will take the edge off the summer weather, although it will feel warm in sheltered areas.