Shropshire Star

Pet sheep mauled to death by dog

A pet sheep was mauled to death by an unknown dog.


The sheep was attacked in a field next to the Racecourse, Oswestry, and the incident was reported to police on Monday.

West Mercia Police has issued a warning to dog walkers after the attack.

A spokesman for the police said: "West Mercia Police sometimes receives calls from farmers, landowners and members of the public reporting farm animals being chased by dogs.

"Sheep can be savaged and killed by dogs or have to be put down by a veterinary surgeon.

"The impact this can have on a rural business can be devastating. Not only does the farmer incur expensive veterinary costs but for pregnant ewes there is the risk of aborting their unborn lambs.

"This can incur further veterinary expense but also the loss of income from a depleted flock."

Police said if dog walkers are out in the countryside do not allow the dog to enter a field on its own, keep it on a lead when crossing through fields, and stick to public right of ways.

If anyone has any information about the attack call 101 quoting incident number 0224s of July 30.