Shropshire Star

Shropshire to be represented at national pageant final

Holly Plant will be representing Shropshire at the national finals of the Royal UK Pageant next month, competing against girls from all over the UK to win the crown and be in the chance of representing the UK at internationals.

Holly Plant, your Miss Royal Shropshire Teen. Photo supplied

Royal UK is a prestigious pageant and has won Best UK national pageant of the year for three years in a row through the Natural Beauty Pageant Awards.

Holly said: “I am delighted to get through to the finals and cannot wait to represent Shropshire at the finals next month."

The national finals for Royal UK Pageant will take place at the Middleton Arena in Manchester on November 1-2.

Holly added: “I am so excited to compete in Interview, Evening Gown and Fashion wear as well as optional rounds - Top Model, Photogenic, Casual wear and Sportswear.

“Being a finalist has been an amazing opportunity for me so far. I am looking forward to meeting all the other girls from around the UK at the finals next month.”

This is an incredible opportunity for Holly and the other contestants.