Shropshire Star

What's life like for Shropshire's real-life firefighting superheroes?

Shropshire's group of real-world superheroes juggle everyday responsibilities with fighting fires and saving lives.

Last updated

With 288 on-call firefighters, these Shropshire lifesavers play a vital role in protecting the county's residents and attend around 4,000 emergencies every year.

From false alarms to fatal fires, car accidents and cats stuck in trees, the dedicated group of men and women fit facing danger around their everyday lives.

But what is life like for these real-world superheroes? We spoke to one young firefighter to find out.

Emily-Jane Harding signed up to be one of Wellington's on-call firefighters at just 25 years old after watching a documentary series following the work of the West Midlands fire service, Into the Fire.

Now aged 27, Emily-Jane has spent around 84 hours a week for the last two years ready to drop everything at the sound of a pager.

She fits the role around her already busy and active life, and a full-time job working for the Ministry of Defence as a programme manager.

"The alert can come any time of the day or night," Emily-Jane explained: "I could be in the middle of a work meeting or be at home cooking dinner or fast asleep in bed.