Shropshire Star

Newport care home residents walking a mile a day this month for charity

Staff, residents and family members at a Newport care home are walking a mile a day this month to raise money for charity.

Staff, residents and families are walking 31 miles over 31 days to raise money for Severn Hospice. Photo: Phil Blagg Photography

The challenge, to walk 31 miles over 31 days, is taking place every day during December at the Cottage Christian care home in Newport.

The 40-bed home offers nursing care primarily for older people with general nursing needs, but also for people requiring respite care and palliative care.

The team will be raising money for Severn Hospice as part of a company-wide initiative by care providers Coverage Care Services, that was launched after the death of a staff member.

Manager Paulette Morgan explained: "A member of staff in one of our homes passed away, so this year Coverage Care wanted to give back to Severn Hospice, who helped care for our staff member."

Each day in December, a member of Cottage Care staff will walk with at least one resident for a mile. If the weather allows, the mile takes them to nearby St Nicholas Church - or, as has been the case during the snowy spell - around the care home.

Paulette said the residents have been thoroughly enjoying the jaunt so far - with those unable to take part able to nominate someone else to walk in their stead.

Family members too have been getting in on the action, with Paulette praising the community for being so supportive.

Donations are open throughout December and can be made online at