Shropshire Star

'I hope they don't learn the hard way' - Mayor responds to Newport 'boy racers' concerns

A town's mayor hopes 'boy racers' who have been using roads as a race track will learn the dangers "before it is too late".

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Councillor Ian Perry, the Mayor of Newport, welcomed recent police activity in the Shropshire market town but wondered what practically could be done about it.

"It is a difficult one," said Councillor Perry. "It is a police issue and councillors are aware and it is difficult to see what the town council or the police can do about it, and the boy racers know this.

"We liaise with the police and will be raising this with them, although I'm sure they know what is going on. They have got to look at their own resources.

"If a police car turns up they [boy racers] will move somewhere else, and you can't have speed humps on the A41. The boy racers would take no notice of 20mph signs."