Shropshire Star

Fears about school congestion after homes near Burton Borough School are approved

Concerns have been raised about the impact a new housing development will have on congestion outside a Shropshire school.

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Concerns have been raised about the impact a new housing development will have on congestion outside Burton Borough School. Picture: Google Maps

Plans were approved by Telford & Wrekin councillors on Wednesday night for 43 homes to be built off Audley Avenue in Newport.

The former Combat Stress base at Audley Court will be converted into flats under the plans.

As part of the approved proposal developer Cameron Galliers Homes will pay £5,000 towards putting double yellow lines along the road and into the site.

Councillor Nigel Dugmore raised concerns about the impact the development and traffic restrictions will have outside Burton Borough School.

“I know very well what the situation is on Audley Avenue,” said Councillor Dugmore. “That road is an absolute nightmare in the mornings and afternoons. A lot of the children are bussed in so there is an issue with where they are going to park.

“The buses line up all the way along there. Double yellow lines are going to be put all the way along Audley Avenue, so it will be quite interesting to see what happens with that.

“It’s a bit disingenuous for the report to say that there will be no problem coming in and out of the development. There is and people won’t be able to come in and out because of the traffic and kids milling around.”

The council’s planning officer said that a technical highways engineer had looked at various scenarios on Audley Avenue and supported the application.

The plans for 43 properties include 28 open market homes and 15 ‘affordable homes’ – including 11 social rented apartments and four First Homes.

The Locally Listed Audley Court will be converted into 11 properties as part of the development.

The new housing development has 67 car parking spaces and six garages proposed – well above the 56 spaces required.

A representative of applicant Cameron Galliers Homes said that the plans had come forward after two years of working with the council.

“The scheme makes an effective and efficient use of land and will contribute by boosting the supply of homes in Newport,” said the representative.

“The proposal will retain Audley Court which fronts Audley Avenue. This will be converted into residential apartments to give it a permanent, functional and viable future.

“The development will restore its historic appearance by removing unsightly alterations which have spoilt the symmetry of the building in the main facade.

“The proposal will also seek to retain trees and vegetation at the rear of the site.”

Councillor Steve Bentley took note of an objection over fears of flooding on the site. He asked if there was an opportunity to ‘increase the capacity of infrastructure’ to reduce flooding.

The planning officer replied that no objection had been made by the council’s drainage officer. He said that infrastructure could be looked at in a condition about water discharge.

Councillors voted unanimously in favour of passing the development.