Shropshire Star

Telford industrial units scheme could create 150 jobs

Up to 150 jobs could be created under a scheme to build eight industrial units in Telford.

Last updated
The Morris Property website

Morris & Company and the Homes and Communities Agency have jointly applied to build the development, which could be let to 32 tenants, at Hadley Park East.

A planning application, submitted to Telford & Wrekin Council, shows the site could potentially be occupied by 150 employees.

It emerged in September that Shrewsbury developer Morris Property had bought the five-acre site, with plans to turn it into a set of trade counters.

A report, submitted with the planning application, says: "The applicant seeks planning approval for the construction of eight new industrial units. The larger of which does not exceed circa 10,000 sq ft. Each unit is divisible by four."

While a different concept, the speculative development could replicate the success of Morris's trade counter developments at Battlefield in Shrewsbury in recent years.

The developer has exchanged contracts with the Homes and Communities Agency and Telford & Wrekin Council on the land.

This site forms part of Telford & Wrekin Council’s Land Deals programme and its inward investment service, Enterprise Telford negotiated the transaction on behalf of the partners.

The land fronts the A442 Queensway, known locally as the Eastern Primary.

Morris Property is part of a fifth-generation family business working in property investment and management, new build residential and commercial developments and restoration schemes.