Shropshire Star

Date set for flags to fly at Arbor Day celebration

A community is to celebrate the ancient custom of Arbor Day next month.

Last updated
Aston-on-Clun Arbor Day organisers with their flags in 2021

Aston-on-Clun villagers will put up the flags on the Arbor Tree on Sunday, May 29. The village is one of few left in the UK to celebrate the tradition.

Paul Sweetland, who is helping organise the event, said: "This year’s event will be held on Sunday, May 29, and although a in slightly different and hopefully more sustainable format from previous years, it will hopefully be getting back to a more normal day.

"Unless anything changes we will change the flags the day before."

Arbor Day is a secular day of observance in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees.

In normal circumstances hundreds attend Aston on Clun, with children making flags, dancers, singer, poets and folk musicians all joining in a parade to the tree followed by fun and food at the village hall afterwards.

But last year organisers had to hold a scaled down version due to restrictions not yet being fully lifted.

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