Shropshire Star

Entries now open as Coracle World Championships back in Shrewsbury

The Coracle World Championships, which has raised more than £350,500 for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity, is set to return later this year.

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The championships, which involve competitors crossing the River Severn in Shrewsbury in coracles traditionally designed for fishing, will be supported by Invertek Drives for the second year running.

Last year the event raised £35,470 and organisers hope to exceed that this year.

Entries have now opened for the event and at least 40 teams are expected to take part on Friday, September 8, at the Pengwern Boat Club alongside the River Severn.

Last year more than 40 teams entered, with a total of 160 competitors from local businesses and organisations. The winning team was Bevan Bodgers, while the Tara Group were the highest fundraisers.

Established by the late Richard Bayliss in 2007, the championships have competitors racing across the river in small, round-shaped coracles, once traditionally used for fishing in Wales and other parts of the UK, India, Vietnam, and Tibet.

Invertek Drives Ltd, a global innovator and manufacturer of variable frequency drives, is the event’s main sponsor.

It is a major employer based in nearby Welshpool, Powys, with more than 360 people working in a range of manufacturing, innovation and technical roles.

“The World Coracle Championships is not only a great event for the area, but it’s also raising much-needed money for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity which supports individuals and communities throughout the region,” said Glyn Jones, technical director at Invertek Drives.

“As a major employer in the area, we’re very pleased to be supporting the event for our second year running. We’ll be entering several teams again this year to help raise money and the profile of the charity and the event. We look forward to other local businesses and organisations taking part again.”

Event chairperson Jayney Davies said: “We rely very much on local businesses, organisations, and individuals to support us. Once again, we’re very pleased to have Invertek Drives as our main supporter. Their support and other businesses are vital in our fundraising.”

Kate Thomas, relationship fundraising manager for the West Midlands, said: “The championships are a major fundraising opportunity for us and it’s a fun way to help us raise the vital money we need to continue our cancer support work. Those taking part often tell us it’s also a great team-building exercise.

“We’ve opened entries for the event and we’re hoping for a bumper number of teams entering again this year.”

Teams from local businesses, organisations and groups of friends can take part and more information is available at

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