Shropshire Star

Spooky sights of nature on show at Lake Vyrnwy RSPB reserve this month

Visitors to the RSPB nature reserve at Lake Vyrnwy during October can pick up a fun-filled Big Wild Halloween pack.

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Lake Vyrnwy

Families can get the Wild Detective activity pack which will take children on a mystery adventure with the characters Hoot, an owl, and Crumbs, a mouse. They include a booklet packed full of activities and puzzles to solve, animal masks, recipe cards, owl gliders, and more fun for the whole family.

Reserves across Wales will also have marked trails to follow, storytelling sessions, bat walks, and even pond or bog dipping events.

Caireen McGinn, RSPB visitor experience and events consultant, said: "These packs will set you off on your journey to explore the great outdoors and everything that October has to offer. Migratory birds arrive from foreign shores, fungi put their mushrooms on display, trees dress in their autumnal best, spiders show off their web skills, and starling start to dance in the sky.

“Halloween really is stuffed to the brim with nature - spiders, bats, ravens, crows, owls, they’re all there. There’s always something weird, wonderful, surprising and perhaps spooky to find when you’re out in nature.”

Head to Big Wild Halloween online at to find an activity near you. While some of the activities are free, there is a £3.50 charge for some of the activity packs and events, and normal parking and entrance fees are still in place.