Shropshire Star

Guildhall improvements begin following fundraising efforts

The mayor of a Shropshire medieval town says its decision to hire a fundraising company has begun to pay off.

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The team clearing the beds

Eagle-eyed Much Wenlock residents may have noticed that part of the flower beds at the back of the Guildhall have been cleared.

The Guildhall is a Grade II* listed building. It has served the Much Wenlock community for over 500 years, as a courtroom, jail, marketplace and council chamber.

A team run by resident John Rigby have started preparing the beds for a major replanting scheme which should be completed by the end of March.

The plants to be put in have been generously donated by Harley Nurseries.

Work has begun to tidy up the Guildhall in Much Wenlock

The move is part of a drive to repair and improve the Guildhall, and the town's Mayor David Fenwick said it was “just the start”.

He said: "A committee of the town council is currently using the services of a professional fundraising company to find money, and lots of it, to undertake extensive repairs and improvements to the 500-year-old Guildhall, so this little gardening enterprise is just the start.

Before the work began

“There is more to be done, and weather permitting more time has been set aside for more preparation and should give us a fine show this, and subsequent summers.

“The team have other projects in mind which we will get round to in the coming months.”

Work on the Guildhall flower beds

He added that the town council is keen to hear from residents on what other improvements they would like to see made to the Guildhall.

“The community’s involvement is vital so everyone has a say in how this fabulous old building can be used in future years,” he said.

A public consultation on the Guildhall was opened last year and is still accessible at