Shropshire Star

Military veteran and care home residents manned poppy stall in Much Wenlock

An 84-year-old care home resident who grew up during the war has been manning a stall as part of Remembrance commemorations this year.

Albert manning the stall for the RBL

Albert Watkins, from Wheatlands care home in Much Wenlock is a lifelong member of the Royal British Legion, and asked if there was a way he could help in the run up to Armistice Day.

Born in 1939 in Chorley, Remembrance Day is close to Albert’s heart, as he served in the military when he completed his National Service.

Because of this, staff at Wheatlands got in touch with Much Wenlock Poppy Appeal and they said Albert could man the Poppy stall under the Corn Exchange in Much Wenlock.

Albert said: “Growing up in war time, Remembrance Day holds a great deal of significance for me and I have always been a member of the British Legion in Cleobury Mortimer.

"It is very important that we keep the memories of those who fought alive and that we also think about those involved in conflicts around the world today.”

Lea-Ann Littler, General Manager at Wheatlands, which is run by Barchester Healthcare, said: “We have many residents with personal ties to the military and many who have experienced conflict either at home or abroad, so it is important for us to mark Remembrance Day and honour the contribution of everyone involved in the World Wars and in subsequent conflicts.

"It made Albert so happy to be able to support the poppy appeal, he very much enjoyed helping to raise funds for the Royal British Legion.”

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