Shropshire Star

Shropshire trials to improve tools to fight potato pest

The findings from on-farm trials could help combat a deadly potato disease that causes around £26 million worth of damage to crops in the UK each year.

Dr Anne Stone, Knowledge Exchange Manager – AHDB Potatoes

According to demonstrations carried out by AHDB Potatoes and Harper Adams University near Newport, the use of fluopyram, previously used as a fungicide, as a nematicide provided a yield increase to a range of potato varieties at a farm with very high levels of Potato Cyst Nematode.

The findings come after on-farm trials were held in Shropshire during the 2017 growing season that looked in greater detail at the control of PCN. The aim is to improve the tools available to growers and agronomists for dealing with infestations.

The results were announced at AHDB’s Strategic Potato (SPot) Farm West results day last month to an audience of more than 60 growers and agronomists.

Key findings:

The use of nematicides gave a highly significant yield increase across the varieties planted. We saw interesting results that may suggest varieties display different relative-levels of tolerance at different infestation rates.

The new Bayer product which contains fluopyram was compared with Nemathorin and Vydate. It performed as expected, showing a yield increase compared with an untreated control, though the other nematicides outperformed it.

This is consistent with trials elsewhere which have shown, when used in isolation, the new treatment is less effective than others under high pressure situations. There was excitement about the new product at the event because it provides an extra line of defence against this resilient pest, and is also easy to apply.

Though the SPot Farm trail with fluopyram sought to consider its potential contribution to PCN control by testing it in isolation under high pressure, in extreme situations Bayer is not promoting it as a single-use solution, but as part of a programme with conventional nematicides and resistant varieties.

Bayer regional technical manager for Shropshire, Gareth Bubb described the contribution of fluopyram to reducing cysts and eggs as “impressive, but not a silver bullet” adding that it will provide “those with low to moderate PCN infestations an opportunity to combat populations and will form an important part of their nematode control strategy”.

Details on application rates and programme partners would follow once the product receives regulatory approval, he said.

The 2017 growing season was Heal Farms' first as part of AHDB’s Strategic Farms network, which comprises 46 farms nationally that act as a hub for farmer-to-farmer learning and discussion.

The trials will continue at Heal Farms during 2018. For more information visit

Dr Anne Stone, Knowledge Exchange Manager, AHDB Potatoes