Shropshire Star

Farm admits health and safety failings after worker was killed by tree he was felling

A farm has admitted failing in its health and safety responsibilities after one of its workers was killed when a tree he was chopping down fell on him.

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Experienced farmhand Trevor Kenneth Jones was working for agricultural company DT Gittins at its Serpent Farm southeast of Ludlow on February 8, 2022.

The 54-year-old was killed when an ash tree he was felling landed on top of him.

Mr Jones, from Ludlow, was airlifted to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham but was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. The cause of his death was recorded as a traumatic brain haemorrhage.

A jury inquest into his death was held in March last year and concluded that the ash tree he was cutting on had probably "fishtailed" - or side swiped him.