Shropshire Star

Elite Sports Programme continues for fourth year at Concord College

A specially designed Elite Sports Programme will support a Shropshire college’s up and coming athletes for a fourth year.

Students will be supported by a specially designed Elite Sports Programme

Eleven students at Acton Burnell-based Concord College will be provided with one- to-one personal training, physiotherapy and nutritional advice under the support programme which has been specially designed and led by its own sports teachers.

Under the programme, Concord’s newest Elite Sports Team whose members specialise in athletics, swimming, windsurfing, golf and tennis will also be assisted in attending competitions.

Will Harrison, who teaches sport at Concord College, said: “Through a mix of performance, competition and training support, we are so glad to continue our Gifted and Talented Elite Sports Programme for students at Concord College.”

Aside from the Elite Sports Programme, Concord’s overall sports programme continues to celebrate a ‘sports for all’ ethos which provides backing for students of all sporting abilities in nurturing an enjoyment of sport, encouraging team work, self-discovery and fun.

Concord say the high number of ‘brilliant’ applications this year led to a hugely competitive selection process from which the sports department selected 11 individuals to join this year’s Elite Sports Programme.

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