Revamp plans for Shrewsbury's railway station
Shrewsbury's railway station is set to receive a major revamp as part of plans to boost its role as a gateway to the town.

The subway linking the ticketing office and the foyer to the rest of the station – which is used by hundreds of passengers every day – will be given an overhaul under the plans. An ageing toilet block next to platform five will also be spruced up.
The plans have been drawn up by Manchester-based architects BDP as part of ongoing station improvements, which have previously included new facilities for the waiting room and customer information point.
Shrewsbury MP Daniel Kawczynski and Councillor Alan Mosley, leader of Shrewsbury Town Council, have both praised the proposals.

In January Mr Kawczynski lobbied the Department for Transport to task Arriva Trains Wales and Network Rail to clean up the station, one of the major gateways to the town.
A Parliamentary debate on the state of the station took place in the new year in Westminster Hall in London when the Government promised that an ongoing overhaul – set to cost in the region of £2 million – would be finished within five years and pledged £800,000 to improve the Dana footbridge at the train station.
Under the proposal, the subway, which currently has glass door partitions, will be redeveloped and widened. The original cladding will be replaced with more modern wall linings, ceiling vaults will be cleaned and existing lighting will also be removed and replaced with zinc strips.
The new extended toilets will have a separate disabled toilet as well as a cleaner's room. The red brick facade will be retained, but the new extension will be finished with slate facing which would match that of the refurbished waiting room and customer information point.
Demolition will be kept to a minimum, according to a design statement.
The submission of the plans has been welcomed by Mr Kawczynski. He said: "This is something I have been pressing for, for quite some time so to hear that plans have been put in to the council is very welcome.
"Anything that improves the toilets and the subway will be great for commuters and for the town."
Councillor Mosley said: "This is great news. Finally something is being done and I just hope that other work follows.
"It is much needed and makes Shrewsbury an even more attractive place to live, work and visit. These improvements will make a real significant difference to the area.
"It will bring the facilities up to date and make the station into an even better asset for the town."