Shropshire Star

Community-driven Telford pub raises over £5,000 for good causes under new ownership

A pair of new pub landlords are celebrating after their first six months raises over £5,000 for charity.

Gina and Denzil Martin from The Unicorn Inn, Little Dawley

Denzil and Gina Martin took over The Unicorn Inn in Little Dawley back in August 2023, after Denzil had spent many years frequenting it as his local.

In just six months, the pub has raised around £5,160 for good causes by hosting a range of events.

One of those events, a monthly pub quiz, sees dozens of patrons turn out for a battle of general knowledge with the sole purpose of raising money for charity.

"The prize is whoever wins gets to choose which charity we raise money for the following month," Denzil explained.

"It's been incredibly popular. We've raised money for Mind, Cancer Research, Severn Hospice, World Visions, Different Strokes. It's just about raising as much money as possible.

"But it's not us that raise it, it's the community that's got on board, and the community have been amazing."

On top of the charitable donations, recent fundraising has also led to the installation of a defibrillator after the pair noticed there wasn't one in the whole of Little Dawley.

Denzil said they managed to raise the funds for the installation in just six days, 23 hours and 58 minutes.

No stranger to fundraising, Denzil also runs another business, 'How Hard Can it Be Events', organising marathons and fun runs to raise money for charity.

Looking back on their stint at the helm of The Unicorn, the pair said the last six months have been a whirlwind.

"It's been amazing," Denzil said. "We haven't really blinked, it's just been non-stop.

"The pub has changed so much since we've been here. We're now doing lots of food, lots of events and music every week.

"We're trying to make it a community pub, we've got a little community library. It's all about looking out for everyone, and raising as much as we can along the way."