Shropshire Star

Royal party named for Newport Carnival

Newport Carnival’s Royal Party for 2023 was chosen at a family fun day.

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The event, held on Saturday at The Shakespeare Inn, saw hundreds of visitors enjoy a giant chocolate fountain, huge inflatable slide, face painting, party games, music and more.

Budding young royalty were invited to put their names in the hat for the 2023 Newport Carnival, with the party chosen at the end of the fun day.

Newport Carnival Queen will be Daisy Hulme, 10, while Sam Singh, 6, will be crowned Carnival King on the day itself.

This year’s princess is Freya Lucas, 11 and Alfie Drummond, 6, is prince, with four-year-old Millie Whitehouse and five-year-old Betsy Cheal as flower girls. Adelia Kamaro, 8, was chosen as a lady in waiting.

The fun day was organised by Newport Carnival Committee with the support James Prince and the rest of Nova Pantomime Group and Raj Singh and his team at The Shakespeare Inn.

Maria Wikinson, marketing officer for Newport Carnival, said more than £300 was raised in donations on the day, which was even busier than expected.

“The sun came out on what really was a brilliant day, with children of all ages and their families stopping by and most of them stayed all day,” she said.

“We found our Royal Party for this year’s carnival but also had a really fun and successful family fun day.

“We couldn’t have done it without the amazing support of Raj and his team at The Shakespeare and James and his wonderful team from Nova Pantomime, who really did help make the event happen.”

Other attractions included Mickey and Minnie Mouse, slushies, ice cream, candy floss and an AC Cobra classic sports car.

“Newport Carnival returns next week, on Saturday 10th June and we’re all gearing up for it to be one of the best yet,” added Ms Wilkinson. “We’ve got some amazing bands and entertainment, including an Indian drums band and dancers, dozens of stalls and another wonderful and colourful procession of floats from local schools, nurseries, businesses and community groups.”

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