Shropshire Star

Sadness, sympathy and disappointment follows decision to cancel Green Man Festival

Sadness, sympathy and disappointment has greeted the shock announcement that a top Shropshire event has been cancelled.


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There's sadness and disappointment among businesses and civic leaders after the Clun Green Man Festival committee announced that this year's event is not going ahead.

With a month to go to the festival on May Day Bank Holiday weekend the organisers have made the gut wrenching decision that it cannot go ahead.

The festival site is so wet after a deluge this winter that the organisers believe the festival site would not recover in time.

Morris dancers at the Clun Green Man Festival 2019

Announcing the news on their website, a post read: "It is with regard to the safety of our performers, our traders, our audience, and not to mention the ongoing health of the field itself, that we the festival committee have agree its would be irresponsible to process with this year's festival.

"All those who have purchase tickets so far will be refunded in full, and all traders who have booked a pitch will be contacted individually."

Locals agree that they can't recall it ever having rained so much. Town councillor Mark Duffee said that flooding is a constant issue in the town and often discussed in committee.

Clun town mayor, Councillor Ryan Davies, said the decision must have been a "bitter blow" for the committee of Green man Festival organisers.

"It is very wet and waterlogged on the castle grounds so it is probably a common sense decision by them not to go ahead. But for them it is a bit of a bitter blow," he said.

He added that the town council would be open for applications from the committee for emergency funding if they needed it.

"We can't just go giving money but there is a grants procedure if organisations need help," the mayor said.

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