Shropshire Star

Students raise the roof of Moreton Hall for North Shropshire Big Sing

More than 200 young musicians have come together from across the region for a day of music-making as part of the Big Sing event.

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The collaborative event saw Moreton Hall Prep School pupils join forces with North Shropshire Music and national charity Asthma + Lung UK to take part in the Big Sing at The Holroyd Community Theatre, near Oswestry.

The aim of the event was to raise awareness on how singing and playing a musical instrument can actively promote good breathing technique and positively support those with lung conditions such as asthma.

Helen Rayner, Moreton Hall’s director of music said: “What an event: it was a fascinating day – everyone learnt something. I had no idea that Beethoven was asthmatic.

"A super day for creative thinking and learning and a refreshing way to raise awareness for such an important issue.

“The event was not just a great opportunity to bring young people together through song, but it has raised awareness that engaging in singing and playing a musical instrument can positively benefit sufferers, and help to promote a better way of life for those struggling with lung conditions."

Pupils from Moreton Hall Prep School, Selattyn School, St Martins Primary School, Weston Rhyn and Penley Madras took part in a variety of practical sessions delivered by Moreton Hall’s head of vocal studies, Ellie Diack.

They explored a variety of breathing and vocal techniques in a fun and creative way.

In addition to her singing coaching at Moreton Hall, Ellie also works for the NHS and is one of their ‘Singing for Lung Health’ practitioners.

“In my capacity as an NHS practitioner, I have first-hand experience working with those with breathing and lung conditions,” Ellie said.

“Some conditions can be highly debilitating, but it is heartening to see how regular weekly singing sessions can benefit patients and improve their quality of life.”

Ellie and the Shropshire Music team were joined by Sally Heywood from Asthma + Lung UK who demonstrated how environmental changes can affect lung conditions.

Sally Heywood said: “We are so grateful to Moreton Hall Music staff for organising the Big Sing with Asthma + Lung UK which saw pupils sing for lung health – an amazing achievement.”