Shropshire Star

Alveley village band pulls in the punters

Union Jacks were waved and pints were sunk as a village band provided fun in the sun at a Proms at the Pub event near Bridgnorth.

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Alverley Village Band who have been performing at the Three Horseshoes in Alverley

Old and young enjoyed the music of Alveley Village Band at the village's Three Horseshoes pub on Sunday.

People clapped, cheered and sang along to create a party atmosphere as the band played a range of classics and pop songs.

Alverley Village Band who have been performing at the Three Horseshoes in Alverley
Alverley Village Band who have been performing at the Three Horseshoes in Alverley

Violinist Jenny Jarvis felt the community got right behind the band.

She said: "It was lovely. Not many people were there to start with but they slowly started coming.

"It was a little bit windy but the sun shone. Everyone stood up for the National Anthem and it was all very old fashioned and nice. I was very pleased with how it went.

Alverley Village Band who have been performing at the Three Horseshoes in Alverley

"It was a nice atmosphere. Everyone was cheering us on. We were in the marquee, which was huge, and most of the people were outside enjoying the sun with their picnics. There were lots of family groups and people of all ages."

Other songs that earned a rousing reception included Rock around the Clock, Men of Harlech, and Rule Brittania.

Jenny added: "I was surprised at how much participation there was. The pub did a roaring trade and people seemed really happy. It was a nice country affair."

Alverley Village Band who have been performing at the Three Horseshoes in Alverley
Alverley Village Band who have been performing at the Three Horseshoes in Alverley

The band is also on the lookout for new members of all abilities. If interested, find out more on the website