Shropshire Star

Townsfolk 'chuffed' at Shrewsbury Railway Station's 'hidden gem' ranking

Shrewsbury folk are pretty 'chuffed' that their town's historic railway station has been named as one of 20 amazing British buildings.

Anika Saxton from The Shropshire Coffee House

The Telegraph newspaper says that its list of buildings from across the country - not just railway stations - are ones that "you’ve probably never seen before".

Even though Anika Saxton has seen the station many times before in her journey to work at The Shrewsbury Coffee House, there are still times when she has to stop and look.

"I think it's absolutely stunning to be honest," she said. "I love the symmetry and all the details in it.

"There are moments when I have to stop and take a photo. After the rain there always seems to be a rainbow."

Shrewsbury Railway Station.

The building is in an imitation Tudor style, complete with carvings of heads around the window frames. This was done to match Shrewsbury School, which is close by and now houses Shrewsbury Library.

Matt Daw, known by some as Dawsey, the former owner of a skate shop at the town's Market Hall, thinks Shrewsbury's railway station is by far the best station in the region.

Matt Daw from Shrewsbury