Shropshire Star

Hill climber's new book celebrates the conquering of Shropshire's peaks

A 72-year-old walker and hill climber reckons to have climbed the equivalent of 'many Everests' in his bid to climb all the 1,000ft to 2,000ft peaks in England.

Jeff Kent on the summit at Caer Caradoc

Jeff Kent only has about 89 of the estimated 3,085 hills to do and is in a hurry to get them done before the march of time takes its toll as he heads inexorably towards 80.

"I have climbed at least several Everests," said Jeff. "Everest is about 29,000 feet so I have done that many times.

"Brown Clee itself is around 1,700 feet just on its own."

Jeff has just released his latest book of adventures and descriptions of the all the 195 hills of Shropshire which reach the magic four-figure height. He's a retired lecturer from Nelson Crescent, in Cotes Heath, Stafford.

Called Shropshire's 1,000-Foot Peaks it is promoted as the first-ever published guide to all the big hills in Shropshire which don't cross the 2,000-ft threshold that he classifies as mountains.

Front cover of Jeff Kent's book

Jeff and his partner, Sue Bell, went out in 2015 and 2016 to bag all of the county's top hills.

"It's a great county for hills especially in the south," said Jeff. "There aren't many in the north, except near Oswestry."