Shropshire Star

Evening opening hours at Blists Hill Victorian Town during August

Blists Hill Victorian Town will be staying open late once a week this August so visitors can take advantage of the summer nights - even if the weather hasn't exactly been summery.

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The Victorian seaside experience at Blists Hill

Every Thursday evening in August, the open-air museum in Telford will remain open until 7.30pm instead of its usual closing time of 5pm.

Evening visitors who arrive from 4pm will be able to pay £5 entry to the town or get in for free if they're a PASS or PASS PLUS holder.

This gives visitors the chance to explore the museum in a different way.

They can enjoy fresh fish and chips at the Fried Fish Dealers or go for a pint at The New Inn Free House.

They can also enjoy dusk by the 'beach' with the Victorian Seaside Experience.

Around the town’s 12m x 12m beach on the green, parents can relax in deckchairs while kids build sandcastles or take a ride on the old-style carousel or a donkey.

Abbie King, chief operating officer at Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, said: “We’re delighted to be opening up Blists Hill after hours to allow visitors to make the most of the summer evenings.

"These lates are a great opportunity to enjoy the town in a new way.”

Late opening times apply to August 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31. Tickets are available on the gate only.

For more information about these and all summer events at Ironbridge Valley of Invention including Blists Hill Victorian Town, visit