Shropshire Star

Pictures capture nesting great tits' final moments before fledging

A series of photos released by the National Trust capture the comings and goings of a family of great tits which have built a nest inside a 19th-century water pump.

Picture taken at Dudmaston Hall in Shropshire by Food and Beverage Manager Harry Wainwright

The images were taken at Dudmaston Hall in Shropshire by Food and Beverage Manager Harry Wainwright and show in beautiful detail the parent birds bringing food to three chicks, moments before they fledged the nest.

Picture taken at Dudmaston Hall in Shropshire by Food and Beverage Manager Harry Wainwright

Harry said: “The birds are regular returners to this particular part of the estate. I live in the gatehouse here and was tipped off to look out for them by the previous tenant.

“It has been wonderful having a nest on my doorstep and being able to watch the parents fly to and fro with food over the past few weeks. They seem to have grown accustomed to me being around.

Picture taken at Dudmaston Hall in Shropshire by Food and Beverage Manager Harry Wainwright

“Shortly before they fledged, the chicks perched on the edge of the nest for a long time, waiting for some final feeds from Mum and Dad, and allowing me to take some photos from a safe distance, which was incredibly special.”

The water pump is believed to date back to 1860 when it would have been used as the main water source for the gatehouse.

Picture taken at Dudmaston Hall in Shropshire by Food and Beverage Manager Harry Wainwright

Dudmaston is currently closed to the public but will reopen on June 8 to pre-booked ticket holders. More information can be found at

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