Shrewsbury primary school maintains ‘Good’ standards
Clive CE Primary School recently received a visit from His Majesty’s Ofsted Inspectors who recorded that the school has “taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection”. The last inspection took place in 2018.

The report notes that “pupils are happy and enjoy their learning at Clive CofE, the school ‘at the top of the hill’. They behave well in lessons and respond positively to adults’ high expectations of what they should achieve. This applies to all pupils, including those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)”.
Academically, “the school encourages pupils to use precise vocabulary to express themselves and to explain their thinking. This approach begins in early years. For example, pupils can confidently describe the weather for the day. Children in the Reception class can explain the relationship between numbers using words such as ‘fewer’ and ‘more’”.
Speaking, following publication of the final report, Miss Nicola Brayford, Executive Headteacher, said: “The report is an acknowledgement of the hard work and efforts the staff put in to provide a wide and rounded curriculum”.
She goes on to say “The children love coming to school, even on those cold and wet days. They treat one another with respect and try their hardest in lessons”.
Mrs Sallie Watts, Assistant Headteacher, records that: “The report is a testament to the team that works so hard for the children and support the parents give to their children and the school staff”.
She goes further to say: “There is so much that is positive that is recorded in the report. There are areas for development that we had already identified, but these are very achievable”.
The final report can be found on the school’s website: or the Ofsted website.