Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury toll bridge set to move into the 21st century this week

One of the country’s most historic toll bridges constructed in 1881 is set to move into the 21st century.

Last updated
James Hodgson of Kingsland Bridge Company hopes the new contactless payment changes will bring about significant improvements

For the company that owns and runs Shrewsbury’s Kingsland Bridge which crosses the River Severn linking Murivance and Kennedy Road is to introduce what it describes as ‘seismic changes.’

In the first phase scheduled to start, the Shrewsbury (Kingsland) Bridge Company is to replace the four parking pay stations with a contactless card only payment system.

The Monday-Saturday day rate fee will remain at £5, but a Sunday charge will be introduced at £2 for all day parking. The toll bridge’s parking rates continue to be one of the lowest rates in the town.