Shropshire Star

Shropshire school students collect tennis accolades across the country and beyond

Neda Kocyte, Marisa Brasch, Erika Nojic and Iskra Nojic of Ellesmere College Tennis Academy

Submitted by Dani Wozencroft

A group of teenage girls and a 16-year-old boy from a Shropshire school have been collecting tennis accolades across the country and beyond.

Ellesmere College students Neda Kocyte, Marisa Brasch, Erika Nojic and Iskra Nojic reached the senior students girls’ finals of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Youth Schools tennis competition last month.

In addition, Cameron Parry, who is from Wrexham and in year 11 at the Shropshire school, was named Rising Star of the year by Tennis Wales and has now been shortlisted for the National Rising Star award, which will be presented at a ceremony at the National Tennis Centre in London in July.

Both achievements come after months of training at the Ellesmere College Tennis Academy.

Director Stephen Welti said: "I am so incredibly proud of all the recent tennis success our teenagers have achieved. Cameron has done so well since he joined Ellesmere College on a tennis scholarship."

"He thoroughly deserves the Rising Star award and we have seen that rise first hand through his commitment to training, taking on board advice from coaches, progress in competitions and to county level, and also in the classroom here.

"He is one to watch and we will be rooting for him at the national finals too."

Cameron Parry is named Rising Star of the year by Tennis Wales

Linda Sawyer, welfare officer Wrexham Tennis Centre, added: "We are very proud of Cameron’s achievements, he is always first to volunteer for a wide range of activities at Wrexham Tennis Centre and has been doing this for many years.

"He is the first name put onto a list when the centre needs an enthusiastic, trustworthy and very engaging volunteer. He is a very focused young man who gives of himself willingly and carries out any tasks given to him with great sensitivity and understanding.

"He is always thinking of others and is keen to promote a fun and safe environment for everyone.

"Cameron has grown in confidence and stature. He has become a very capable young man who can be trusted with any task asked of him."

The tennis team, who are in year 11 to 13, competed in county and regional rounds to reach the final of the national event at Nottingham Tennis Centre.

Stephen said it was a fantastic opportunity for the team to showcase their skills: "This is a prestigious national event and the standard of competition is very high," he said.

"This team of girls did incredibly well to reach the finals and they did it in such fantastic style too, playing brilliant tennis and achieving some impressive results. They have all worked very hard in training and were well prepared for this event, putting in some wonderful individual performances as well as this team one.

"I am very proud of all our academy players and look forward to seeing just what they can achieve next."

For more information about the Ellesmere College Tennis Academy visit

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