Shropshire Star

Brothers in saddle for marathon ride to raise funds for good cause

Cycle challenge

Ian Binks of Stourbridge (left) with tour manager Ian M and brother Mark (right)

Three Shropshire born and raised brothers are embarking on a mammoth cycle ride from Land’s End to John O'Groats to raise money for Parkinson’s.

The epic ride will see Ian Binks, who now lives in Stourbridge, joined by brothers Mark from Stratford-upon-Avon and Steve, who moved to Melbourne, Australia, battle across 1,025 miles over 16 days to raise money for Parkinson’s UK and Fight Parkinson’s in Australia.

The B’LEJoG - Binks’s Land’s End to John o’Groats challenge will start on May 18 and each day will include a ride of approximately 62 miles and include a vertical elevation of roughly 1,000m. This would be a test of endurance for anybody but the trio and their tour manager Ian 'M' have a combined age of 276.

The riders are undertaking the ride to help the search for a cure for Parkinson’s, an important cause that’s close to the brothers’ hearts as both of their parents lived with Parkinson’s. Their mother had Parkinson’s for 30 years and was the longest-surviving person with Parkinson’s in Shropshire, she loved painting which helped her to manage the symptoms and remain positive.

Parkinson’s is the fastest-growing neurological condition in the world and while there are treatments to control symptoms, there is still no cure as of yet.

The siblings said raising money to help future generations live healthier lives with Parkinson’s, or help find a cure, would be a fitting tribute to their parents.

They added: “While it’s painful to watch anyone you love suffer, we have also learned lessons in terms of flexibility, adaptability and perseverance. These are lessons we have never forgotten and still carry with us today, setting us in good stead for our charity adventure.”

The brothers have also altered the charity cycle ride route slightly to pass through the village of Clive in Shropshire where they learned to ride bikes and spent many happy hours with their parents. The route alteration honours their parents who set them on the road to cycling.

The riders will be keeping their blog updated with journey progress, to see how they are getting on and to donate, see:

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