Shropshire Star

Club enjoy an enjoyable and educational afternoon


Shrewsbury Grange TG met at Castlefields Community where speaker Denise McGowan spoke about stained glass.

The glass can be either translucent or opaque in different colours, she showed us how to join two pieces together, how to cut and how to smooth with a grinder or by hand with carborundum stone and water, that way takes a long time and hard work. You can make windows and door glass with it or things like Tiffany lampshades, decorations and hanging items.

Denise passed around different tools and pieces of work; we saw a whale and flowers and leaves joined by wire. She told us how to solder two pieces using lead and tin 50/50 of each to make the solder. She has a workshop at her home in Market Drayton, where she sometimes holds workshop for three to four people at a time or she can bring a workshop to a group.

It was a very enjoyable and educational afternoon.

Our next meeting is a week earlier because of the May Bank Holiday so on May 20 our speaker will be Ian Templeton with 'Slides set to Music', start time is 1.45pm. For more information please ring Joyce on 01743 359899.

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