Shropshire Star

AFC Telford sends thanks for support during pandemic

AFC Telford have sent their thanks to supporters, sponsors, staff and volunteers for helping the club during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Telford saw their 2019/20 season finished early, whilst the 2020/21 campaign was also declared null and void due to the pandemic - but the club have issued a statement sharing their appreciation to those who have helped it survive over the past 12 months.

The club state that work has been done to help improve sustainability and ensure that the Bucks will remain financially stable for future generations.

"Even in these uncertain times we as a board of directors have still made important strides to help the football club become more sustainable and remain financially stable for future generations to be able to watch AFC Telford United and for the community of Telford to be able to use the facilities at the New Bucks Head." the statement read.

"We also wanted to take time to thank so many people that have shown the football club incredible support over the past 12 months.

"Our supporters for consistently showing loyalty over the past 12 months with your donations, following the team via streaming and for purchasing Season Tickets. We can’t wait for you to be back at the New Bucks Head in the near future.

"Our sponsors who over the past 12 months have continued to advertise at the club and support us during the season. We look forward to meeting you all next season.

"Our staff and volunteers who have helped us hugely over the past 12 months in facing different challenges and helping us prepare for the many different eventualities we have faced."

The club confirm that 'stringent measures' have been put in place to reduce costs, whilst also stating that they have taken full advantage of COVID related grants to ensure their ongoing survival.

"To ensure the future of the football club we have taken stringent measures to reduce our costs, taken full advantage of any COVID related grants and will put huge effort into rebuilding our income streams as soon as government restrictions ease.

"We still have a lot to plan and achieve over the next 12 months, but rest assured that we will always have the future of the football club at the front of our thoughts and we are confident that with your support we can be successful."