Shropshire Star

Mascots kick off in match of the day

Colourful mascots took time out from cheering on their teams to take to the pitch themselves and battle it out in a charity match at Shrewsbury Town's Prostar Stadium. [caption id="attachment_88078" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="AFC Telford Utd's Bobby the Buck and Roary the Tiger from Telford Tigers took part in Battle of the Mascots."][/caption] Colourful mascots took time out from cheering on their teams to take to the pitch themselves and battle it out in a charity match at Shrewsbury Town's Prostar Stadium. More than 40 characters took part in the Battle of the Mascots yesterday. It was the second such event the club has hosted with the previous one taking place at the old Gay Meadow ground in 2001. Lenny the Lion and his other half Mrs Lenny, the club's mascots, organised the match. [caption id="attachment_88079" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Tammy the Lamb of Tamworth battles with Lenny the Lion of Shrewsbury Town, Barney the Owl of Sheffield Wednesday and Bartley Blue of Cardiff City"][/caption] Lenny, aka Ron Millar, said the mascots from as far away as Somerset and Bradford, played against each other with a giant football. Tickets were £2 per person with money raised from ticket and programme sales going to the Severn Hospice. [caption id="attachment_88080" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="The team photograph"][/caption] Click here for a larger view Mascots taking part included Deepdale Duck from Preston North End, Captain Black Arab from Bristol Rovers, Ozzie and Barney the Owls from Sheffield Wednesday and Sky Blue Sam from Coventry City. Local mascots included Bobby the Buck from AFC Telford, Baggie the Bird from West Brom and Swifty from Walsall. Mr Millar said: "It was absolutely fantastic. The club were very supportive and provided food for the mascots and their families. "I've had lots of e-mails and letters already from mascots saying how well received they were." He said they were also lucky with the weather.


He said: "Last time we had the mascots game we had perfect weather, it rained all week but on the day itself it was perfect and this year was the same."

Mr Millar said he was not sure how much had been raised so far but there had been a few thousand people along on the day.

The mascots were divided into blue and yellow teams with characters wearing scarves to show which side they were on. They drew 5-5.

By Emma Kasprzak

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