Shropshire Star

I have emailed in disgust every Tory who scuppered Brexit vote

To the 11 Tories who voted with Labour against Brexit, I have emailed every one of them with the following:


“You need to hang your head in shame, your ONLY job, funded by the tax payer, was to be a servant of the people. 17.4 million voted against continuing to be under a foreign dictatorship, where we can govern our own country and do what is right for the British people.

We want our freedom, our independence, we want to decide who comes to our country and to control our borders. We want to STOP advertising BRITISH jobs throughout Europe, we want our fishing waters back to give our fishermen a reason to get up on a morning. You DO NOT stand for DEMOCRACY, or what is best for OUR country. On the contrary, you treat the public with contempt and stand in defiance of democracy. You commit treason, with your attempt to keep the UK under a foreign dictatorship ran by Juncker & Co, which is nothing more than a money racket.

You had a democratic vote in the referendum, just like us all. You lost, have some pride in yourself and do the DEMOCRATIC thing and respect the people’s choice, or resign, as you do not honour your privileged position, making you no longer fit for purpose. You and your ilk who have disgracefully spit on democracy have done nothing but divide the people of this country, there is now so much hate and division.

Do you honestly think the narcissistic EU leaders will give us a good deal now? You are humiliating our country, making us a laughing stock, talking our country down, so please do not tell me you are doing this in the name of democracy because you are nothing but a hypocrite. You have betrayed your own party and by doing so, have left the door open for Corbyn & Co. Shame on you!”

No wonder Mrs May got such a rapturous reception at the recent evening’s dinner.

In Disgust,

Sylvia Loosley, Shrewsbury