Shropshire Star

Telford mobile home park residents celebrate jubilee in traditional style

Residents of a residential mobile home park in Telford celebrated the jubilee in traditional style.

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Jubilee party at Breton Park

The Residents Association of Breton Park (RABP) paid for a garden party in Craft Way, Muxton, and planted a slow-growing evergreen tree on the small Green in Old Willow Road.

Christine Lawrie, who chairs the residents' association, said the tree was planted in support of the Queen’s Green Canopy Initiative. It was sponsored by Donnington and Muxton Parish Council.

"Councillors Iain Alexander and Jenny Urey joined us for the event," said Mrs Lawrie. "Iain planted the tree and unveiled a plaque which was created by some of our talented residents."

After the ceremony on Thursday, which was the 69th anniversary of the Queen's coronation in 1953, everyone moved to Craft Way the garden party.

Mrs Lawrie said it was enjoyed by all who attended.

"At the event we also collected £85 for the Newport Scanner Appeal which was topped up to £100 by RABP.

"Newport Scanner Appeal is our chosen charity partner for 22/23 which was voted in at our recent annual meeting, and succeeds West Midlands Air Ambulance."