Shropshire Star

Arise, King Kit! Toddler's picture on gold throne in Shrewsbury wins jubilee contest

Visitors to a town centre were invited to “live like a royal” as part of the town’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Kit Wooden on the gold throne in The Square, Shrewsbury

The Square in Shrewsbury hosted live music over the extended bank holiday weekend, with deckchairs and beanbags providing a relaxed atmosphere for people to enjoy.

Amongst the comfortable seating options was a special throne, which was the centrepiece of a competition organised by Shrewsbury BID.

People were invited to take a photograph of themselves sat on the throne to share on Instagram with the hashtag #ShrewRoyal, tagging in the Original Shrewsbury Instagram account.

The winner, chosen at random, was Gem Wooden, of Shrewsbury, whose photo of her son Kit won her an overnight stay at Darwin’s Townhouse, dinner at Rhubarb at Draper’s Hall, and a £150 shopping voucher.

She said: “I couldn’t believe it when I found out we had won. It’s an amazing prize and we are really looking forward to having dinner and an overnight stay in the centre of Shrewsbury.

“We chose the shopping voucher for Lakeland as we're moving house next month: it’s the perfect excuse to buy some things for our new kitchen.

“It was a lovely surprise, and all from having a sit down on a royal throne!”

Emma Molyneux, of Shrewsbury BID, said the throne had provoked a lot of interest over the jubilee weekend.

“Shrewsbury was busier than normal in the week leading up to the jubilee, and we were keen to arrange some family-friendly activities in the heart of the town over the bank holiday,” she said.

“The live music was fantastic, and we had a lot of people sitting down listening - in fact most of the chairs were full, which was great to see.

“The Live Like a Royal competition was an added attraction, and we had lots of great entries with a range of lovely pictures shared using the hashtag on Instagram.

“Congratulations to Gem and her family, we are delighted to hear she is so pleased with her prizes - we hope she enjoys her shopping spree at Lakeland, overnight stay at Darwin’s Townhouse and meal at Rhubarb at Draper’s Hall.”