Shropshire Star

Plans to expand Albrighton GP surgery look set to be approved

A GP surgery is set to expand under plans expected to be approved by Shropshire Council next week.

Last updated
Albrighton Medical Practice. Photo: Google.

The plans for Albrighton Medical Practice would see a first-floor extension added and the layout of the building adjusted to add an extra three consulting rooms.

Three extra car parking spaces would also be created, but concerns have been raised by local councillors that this would not be enough to prevent existing parking problems from worsening.

Despite this, planning officers have recommended the expansion be approved by the southern planning committee when it meets next week.

Objecting to the proposals, the parish council said: “The parish council wholeheartedly support the principle of increased medical and other services for the residents of Albrighton.

“However, the practice is on a constrained site with limited car parking provision. This leads to congested parking along Shaw Lane, particularly at busy periods such as school drop off and pick up times.

“The expansion of the practice will inevitably lead to greater activity on the site, exacerbating an already poor situation. The parish council therefore objects on insufficient off street vehicle parking and highway safety grounds.”

However, Shropshire Council highways officers say the expansion is unlikely to significantly impact on the existing situation and have advised the committee that refusing the application on highways grounds would not hold up in the event of an appeal.

Councillor Nigel Lumby, who represents the village, said he would prefer to see a new medical practice built on a different site – a need identified in the Albrighton Neighbourhood Plan.

He said: “This application is by far a cheaper option but once done the relocation of the doctors will never happen.”

A report to the committee by planning officer Elizabeth Attwood says the surgery is an existing facility in a sustainable location and its footprint would not increase as a result of the plans.

The report says: “The proposed extension, which includes additional parking spaces will provide an enhanced facility within the existing medical practice, wholly in line with planning policy which seeks to protect and enhance existing facilities and services which includes health care services.

“There would be no adverse impact on the character and appearance of the site, the street scene or residential amenity. Any impact upon highway safety will not be so severe to justify the refusal of this application."

“The proposal is deemed compliant with the principal determining criteria of the relevant development plan policies and conditional approval is recommended.”

The planning committee will meet to decide the application on Tuesday.