Shropshire Star

Sex attacker who dragged woman into an alleyway in front of her children walks free from court

A man who admitted trying to drag a woman into an alleyway to sexually assault her, while she was with her children, has walked free from court due to the time he has already spent in custody.

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Telford Magistrates Court

Jordan Hinds's victim, who did not know him, was walking with a stroller when he attempted to sexually assault her, Shrewsbury Crown Court sitting at Telford Justice Centre heard on Thursday.

The 25-year-old, of no fixed abode, was stopped in the act when nearby workmen intervened, the court was told.

Hinds was arrested in Wellington shortly after the assault, where police found him in possession of an Adidas bag containing condoms, sexual lubricant and a knife.

The court also heard that Hinds had been on licence and serving a suspended sentence for possession of a knife at the time of the attack on March 10, 2022.

Prosecutor Mr Darron Whitehead said Hinds's victim had left her home at around 9am with her two children when her attacker struck.

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