Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury river path finally reopens nine weeks after tanker fell into sinkhole near weir

A river path has finally reopened after work was completed to fill a sinkhole which opened up.

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The hole, next to Shrewsbury's Weir, appeared when a Shropshire Council tanker got stuck in it while workers were cleaning the towpath.

The tanker was removed by workers using tonnes of stone, airbags and railway sleepers to lift the vehicle, before it was hauled out.

But, since March the area had been closed off for repairs to be carried out by Severn Trent.

Today, Shropshire Council confirmed that the towpath was finally open again.

In a post on social media the council said: "The towpath at the weir in Shrewsbury is now open after Severn Trent completed repair work at the site.

"Back in March a council vehicle fell into a sinkhole at the site, leading to the path being closed while the vehicle was removed and subsequent repairs carried out."