Shropshire Star

A look around Shropshire's 'poshest' village - and how we're supposed to pronounce it

We went along to Shropshire's 'poshest' village to see what all the fuss was about.


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A list of 48 of the poshest villages across the country was compiled by Telegraph Money this week - and Cound in Shropshire was among the bunch.

While there is, technically, a village of Cound - the Telegraph's article was referring to the parish, a 15-kilometre squared patch of rural paradise that includes a few handfuls of chocolate box homes on windy country roads.

With no village shop or village school and the parish pub (yes, singular) a 40-minute walk for most - it could be hard to argue that there was a village there at all were it not for Cound Church.

But there is a jam-packed, unmanned village bookshop sitting between the church and Guildhall - that is currently advertising, amongst other things, a gin-tasting evening and 'Flicks in the Sticks' with pre-film meals.

Around the corner, a large home is selling homemade jam and fudge from an honesty cupboard. It's hard to get more village-y than that.

At the last count, the parish was home to 474 residents, which makes the fact there are a whopping 68 listed buildings in Cound even more impressive.

It's actually the second time that the parish has made it onto the Telegraph's 'posh' list, having achieved the accolade of Shropshire's poshest back in 2022.

A sign.
A pretty rural church.